Monday, July 30, 2012

You know you are back in NorCal when...

- Trees are a thing again.
- You have had sprouts and avocado on your sandwich two days in a row.
- You bike 80 miles basically uphill, walk into a store, and aren't the grungiest one in there.
- Chaco sandals begin to outnumber cowboy boots.
- You spend 5 minutes trying to figure out the appropriate recycle/compost/trash bin to throw your lunch waste in.
- You aren't the only cyclists on the road.
- Giants caps are everywhere!
- You need a sweatshirt at night.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eat. Sleep. Bike. Build.

Besides biking and building we spend a lot of time eating...well, anything and sleeping...well, anywhere. What can we say but when Bike and Builders are in need of some calories or some shut-eye on the road, we aren't too picky. Take a look at some of the wild caloric concoctions and napping nooks we have come up with.

Brownie, peanut butter, potato chips.

Burger with cheese and... gummy bears. 
Not enough calories in Lasagna for ya? Add two pieces of bread for a Lasagna sandwich.
Carrot peanut butter and jelly. 
Sharing is always appropriate when it comes to a good nap spot. 
Turkey nutella sandwich. 
Why not grab a quick nap while your bike is getting worked on?
Clif Bar ice cream. Perfect snack for a warm ride. 
What better time to partake in an eating challenge than in the middle of a century ride? With the incentive of receiving the burger half-off upon completion, these two pound burgers were swallowed in less than 10 minutes by these two studs.  
Peanut butter, jelly and cheese balls.
Potato salad, bean casarole, and cucumber salad. 
Chicken and rice...and brownie. 
Underpasses...coveted shade in the desert. 
Garlic bread, quiche sandwich.  
Peanut butter, mozzarella, and BBQ sauce. 
Got salt? When times are rough (in Death Valley's 118 degree heat) try your dried sweat arms. 
Where oh where to seek refuge in Death Valley??
The one tree within 50 miles in Oklahoma. Poppin' for nap time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bike and Build Problems

-We aren't fat enough to activate traffic light sensors.
-Someone opened the creamy peanut butter instead of the crunchy.
-We can't get milkshakes at Sonic because it is 9am and it isn't open yet.
-They don't make tooth paste squeezers big enough for my bottle of chamois BUTT'r
-I can't tell if that bump is a heat rash, saddle sore, or bug bite.
-Grape gatorade day?!
-I am thirsty and have a swig gatorade left but need to save it to squirt in case a dog attacks.
-The line for the pump is longer than the line for the bathroom.
-This granola bar only has 100 calories in it.
-Our first day off in a month is on a Sunday and we are staying in a church that needs us out of their facilities by 7am for mass.
-I can't tell if it is Oreo dust or dirt in the peanut butter.
-We only have 3 week old hot dog buns to make a PB and J with.
-Toilet paper is neither an expectation nor a requirement.
-Children are pointing and staring at me because of my tan lines.
-I just chamois buttered in front of the McDonald's drive thru.
-There are no trees to pop a squat behind in the desert...oh well!
-No alarm and yet I can't sleep past 7am.